Ever wondered what the houses of the future could look like? You’re not the only one.
Over the years, Hollywood has frequently captured our imagination. From classics like Back to the Future to more recent films like Ex Machina and Blade Runner 2049, these movies have given us a glimpse of what’s possible, using future homes as a key backdrop.

Like these movies, we love gazing into our crystal ball and trying to predict what futuristic technology will grace our homes in reality. Whatever it may be, we can’t wait to see what the future of home technology actually brings.
So without further ado, here are 6 futuristic things you might be enjoying in your future home.
1. Robotic Furniture
Furniture is absolutely essential in every home and yet many of us almost don’t notice it after a while. But we may have to consider it more as property gets more expensive and living spaces shrink. Especially in big cities, which grow more crowded every day.
The solution may be robotic furniture, which enables people to maximise the use of their living spaces by being automated and adaptable.
IKEA has recently teamed up with Ori, a U.S startup that makes robotic furniture. Since partnering together, they’ve created an all-in-one unit that can transform into a bedroom, living room, closet, or a workspace. Simply by pressing a touchpad.
Another robotic furniture company, Bumblebee, has created modular furniture systems consisting of storage cabinets and bed frames that rise and descend from the ceiling. When not in use, your voice can command the bed to disappear into the ceiling, greatly enlarging the unit’s available living space. This is already a reality in a few high concept New York apartments.
And no doubt, these examples are just the beginning.
2. Renewable Gas
Industry experts agree: this is the decade that our homes will be defined by their sustainability in areas including our energy, grocery and appliance purchases.
Gas supplies almost half of Australia's household energy, and already has a much lower carbon intensity than grid electricity, but there is more to do.
Enter Renewable gas. Renewable gas is not just a new name, it’s totally different to natural gas, made up of green hydrogen and biomethane and used in the home in much the same way natural gas is used today. By blending and ultimately replacing natural gas with renewable gas, we can use our existing infrastructure to supply renewable gas to our customers. This transition to full renewable gas will occur by 2050 at the latest. And in South Australia this has already begun with residents in Mitchell Park the first to receive up to a 5% blend since early 2021.
Before you know it, your stove or barbecue will be burning with a bright orange flame – a signal that you’re using carbon-neutral renewable hydrogen gas, whose only by-product is pure water.
This carbon-neutral renewable hydrogen gas is the best way to power whatever high tech appliances you kit out your future home with - for you and the environment. And even better, for now you don’t have to change anything. We handle it all for you.
3. Magnetic Fridges

We might be used to sticking magnets on our fridges, but what if the fridge itself was magnetic? Let us explain.
Fridges have been a staple in every household for the last century, keeping food cold with vapour compression - a process that unfortunately has a negative impact on the environment.
That could be set to change if magnetic fridges enter the mainstream. Yes, you read that right - magnetic.
In simple terms, they would moderate the temperature by altering the magnetic field. Pretty cool (see what we did there?).
Not only are magnetic fridges a great investment to reduce carbon pollution, they run more efficiently and reduce energy bills. Seems like a win-win to us.
4. Health Monitoring Appliances

As our technology develops, so do the ways we monitor and care for our health. It’s very likely that houses of the future will come with in-built features that prioritise improving the health of its inhabitants.
And there are an infinite number of ways that futuristic houses and appliances can monitor our health data - and propose new ways for us all to live and feel better.
The possibilities are endless - from fridges that track if you’re choosing healthy snacks and suggesting alternatives to bathroom mirrors with sensors designed to pick up on signs of illness.
Any appliance that can improve our overall wellbeing and quality of life gets the tick of approval from us.
5. Uniform Solar Panels

While solar panels are nothing new, they are sure to become a staple of every modern house in the coming years as sustainability becomes even more important to consumers worldwide and a key factor when designing and renovating future homes.
Many houses already have solar panels due to the price and environmental benefits. And it looks like the number of families going solar across the country will only continue to grow. Australian Energy Market Operator chief Audrey Zibelman has said that each minute, six solar panels are installed around Australia - and currently, over 2.2 million Aussie houses have a solar system on their roof.
Solar panels are a great place to start for the energy conscious Australian. You can make them a reality today and by partnering with gas your home will be set with the most reliable and carbon friendly energy solution today, with natural gas, and in the future, with renewable gas.
6. Smart Lighting

Not all of the changes to our houses will be purely practical. There will be many aesthetic innovations as well. A great example is smart lighting - it is sure to revolutionise the look and feel inside our homes.
And as crazy as it sounds, smart lighting is another way the home technology of the future will be looking out for our health. Future lighting will likely be capable of reading our body language and interpreting social cues to adjust factors like the room’s brightness and lighting colour temperature according to our moods.
Smart lighting is also cost effective and great for the environment - what more could you want?
Learn more about how we’re working to bring renewable gas to you, including our first renewable gas project in Hydrogen Park South Australia and our even more advanced Hydrogen Park Gladstone project.