Report a fault:  1800 898 220
Report a leak:  1800 GAS LEAK
General enquiries:  1300 001 001


Gas Supply Disconnection or Abolishment Process

If you need to disconnect your supply temporarily while completing internal renovations or due to vacant occupancy or more permanently for redevelopment or due to no further need, we are here to make the process easy.

Step 1

Determine what type of supply disconnection is right for you.


Is the temporary closing of a connection to prevent the withdrawal of gas at the distribution delivery point by:


the use of locks or plugs at a metering installation


removal of the meter at a metering installation (without removing the service pipe)


This type of disconnection is suitable for circumstances such as when you are doing an internal renovation, or when there is vacant occupancy (i.e. no one residing at the property).

Since the service pipe is left intact, it is easier to re-connect to natural gas when required - speak to your Energy Retailer for more information on how to re-connect.


Is the permanent removal of a connection by:


cutting and capping of the service within the street and removal of all above ground assets (including the meter)


by removing a meter and disconnecting the service line to prevent the withdrawal of gas at the delivery point.


An abolishment is suitable for safety purposes when you are redeveloping a property (e.g. demolishing a property to rebuild) or for when you have no further need of your natural gas supply.

Once an abolishment is complete, you will need to request a brand new connection from your Energy Retailer if you intend to re-connect your property to natural gas. This would involve requesting a new service pipe as well as a gas meter. Speak to your Energy Retailer for more information on how to re-connect.

Whether you are requesting a disconnection or an abolishment, your first step is to contact your Energy Retailer to discuss which option is suitable for your needs.
Step 2

Arrange the Disconnection or Abolishment with your Energy Retailer and a preferred date after which supply is no longer required. In most cases, unless agreed otherwise, the work will be carried out within 20 business days of request.

Call the retailer
Step 3

Our Distribution Network Field Representatives will attend your property and undertake the work in accordance to the agreed disconnection option selected. It is important to note that only Australian Gas Networks and our contractors are authorized to perform works on the gas meter and service line.

Information on costs associated with Disconnection or Abolishment can be found here under Ancillary Reference Services for each region. Your retailer will also be able to help you with this information.

Field representative

Information for Victorian Customers

Under the newly revised Victorian Gas Distribution Code, both the Distributor and the Customer have rights and obligations associated with the provision of services including Connections, Disconnections, Alterations and provision of Gas Supply. For your Rights and Obligations, you can refer to the latest version of the Code. The Gas Distribution System Code (VIC) is located on the Essential Services Commission Website.

The 3 gas Vic distribution businesses (DBs) – AusNet services, Australian Gas Networks and Multinet Gas Networks have been working together (following on from our Site Readiness Guidelines) to improve the new gas connection process in Vic to make it simpler, clearer, consistent and more efficient for all our customers. For more details, click here.

Your gas connection is safe, secure, and here to stay.

The Victorian Government has announced that from 1 January 2024, all new dwellings seeking planning permits will be required to be all-electric.

Consequently, new homes, residential subdivisions and apartment buildings that need planning permits for construction will no longer be allowed to connect to the gas network.