About Us
AGN is part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), which owns and operates gas transmission and distribution pipelines across Australia.
The AGN gas distribution networks deliver gas to over 1.3 million homes and businesses in South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory. We are one of Australia's largest natural gas distribution companies, with over 27,000 kilometres of distribution networks and 1,000 kilometres of transmission pipelines. AGN receives a portion of the energy retailer natural gas invoices to consumers, which covers the costs of transporting natural gas from the high pressure transmission pipelines to your street and home.
Where we operate
We operate natural gas networks in population centres in South Australia (covering the greater Adelaide region), Victoria (Melbourne CBD to the north and north-east, and south east of Frankston and Cranbourne to regional towns as far as Bairnsdale), Queensland (north of the Brisbane River), and regional centres including Albury, Wagga Wagga and Alice Springs. Each year, we invest around $250 million to maintain and grow our networks by 30,000 new customers each year.

Network statistics
The statistics below help give you a better insight into the scope of our network in each state.
Location | Length of Mains (Kms) | Number of consumers | TJ Delivered | Volume Used (Petajoules) |
Victoria | 12,373 | 743,261 | 99,122TJ delivered in 2023 | 51 |
South Australia | 8,909 | 463, 983 | 28,731TJ delivered in 2023 | 30.6 |
Queensland | 3,622 | 107, 517 | 5,983TJ delivered in 2023 | 5.9 |
New South Wales | 2,139 | 31, 063 | 5,079TJ delivered in 2023 | 6.6 |
Northern Territory | 200 | 1, 156 | 1,169TJ delivered in 2023 | 1.6 |
Find out more about our networks and operational performance in our publications
Our History
Australian Gas Networks has its origins dating back some 150 years to the gas distribution networks of the former South Australian and Brisbane Gas Companies, and the Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria.
The South Australian and Brisbane Gas Companies (which started operating in the 1860s) were owned by Boral Limited. In 1997, Boral sold these distribution networks by creating Envestra Limited a public listed company. In 1999 Envestra acquired part of the former Gas and Fuel Corporation's distribution network in Victoria.
In 2014 the CK Group acquired the listed shares in Envestra Limited and changed the name to Australian Gas Networks which represents our business and supports our vision to be the leading gas distributor in Australia.
Our Vision & Values
Our vision
As part of AGIG, our vision is to become the leading natural gas infrastructure company in Australia be delivering for our customers, being a good employer and being sustainably cost efficient.
Our values
Our values drive our culture, how we behave and the decisions we make as a business.
The AGN management team has extensive experience in the operational, financial, and regulatory aspects of the gas distribution sector.
Craig de LaineChief Executive Officer |
Craig joined the business in 2005 and became Chief Executive Officer of the AGIG entities in November 2021. Craig is an experienced executive and, prior to being appointed CEO, had responsibility for a broad range of key corporate functions, including business strategy, our low carbon strategy and transition, hydrogen growth and development, ESG, corporate affairs, media, communications, regulation, customer service and business development, community engagement, risk and compliance and people and culture. He brings over 20 years of industry experience and is currently a Director of Energy Networks Australia and is Chair of their Gas Committee. Craig holds a Master of Economics. | |||
Cathryn McArthurExecutive General Manager, Customer and Strategy |
Cathryn manages a wide portfolio of AGIG’s external-facing functions, with a particular focus on leading the business through the energy transition. She leads business strategy, as well as sustainability, customer engagement, corporate affairs, business development, marketing and our industry-leading work in hydrogen development. Cathryn joined the business in 2022, following 20 years in the telecommunications industry across various roles spanning the public and private sector. Cathryn’s extensive experience in navigating through sector transitions is extremely valuable to AGIG as we do the same. Cathryn holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts and has also completed the Stanford Executive Program at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. | |||
Ed De PrinseExecutive General Manager Distribution Operations |
Ed leads the operational responsibility of our gas distribution networks across South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory. By managing in-house operations and specialised service partner delivery, he oversees the safe and reliable supply of natural gas to more than two million customers, as well as the renewable hydrogen blends delivered to customers within the Hydrogen Park project areas. With over 30 years of experience in the electricity and gas infrastructure industries, we has worked in key leadership and management roles in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and New Zealand. Ed holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical). | |||
James Smith
Executive General Manager, Transmission Operations |
James leads the safe and reliable operations of our transmission, midstream processing & storage, and hydrogen production assets. Committed on achieving a zero-harm future, James motivates our operations teams and optimises operations & maintenance activities across AGIG Australian assets. A passionate advocate in the pipeline industry, James supports research, development, and the sharing of lessons learned. With over 35 years of experience spanning fieldwork, supervisory, management, executive and director roles in the gas industry, he holds trade qualifications, an Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management and is a graduate of the Australian Institute Company Directors. | |||
Johanna BirgerssonExecutive General Manager, People, Safety & Culture |
With people spanning four states and six offices, Johanna leads the national workforce strategy and management. Joh is responsible for all key people functions at AGIG, including People and Culture, Health and Safety, and Training and Development as well as Property. As a forward-thinking leader, Joh has significant experience in complex industrial environments, and recently joined AGIG following eight years in an Executive General Management Human Resources role. Johanna has a Bachelor of Arts, holds Post Graduate qualifications in Human Resource Management from the University of Melbourne and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. | |||
Paul MayChief Financial Officer |
Paul is a Chartered Accountant and brings over 25 years’ experience in corporate financial and management roles including extensive experience in ASX-listed companies. He has been CFO of AGIG entities since 2014. Prior to this, he was Group Manager, Finance and Risk of Envestra Ltd since 2009. Paul oversees all aspects of financial and technology operations and strategy for our portfolio of companies to ensure the business continues to be sustainably cost efficient and effective. He is responsible for the accounting, treasury, tax, capital management, insurance and information technology functions across the group. | |||
Rachael SmithActing Executive General Manager, Commercial |
Rachael has been with AGIG since August 2012 and is currently responsible for the commercial management of AGIG’s transmission, hydrogen and storage assets, national contracts and procurement team and AGIG’s corporate development. She has over 20 years commercial and operations experience in the Western Australian Energy Markets with various commercial roles in the up, mid and downstream gas industry as well as wholesale electricity experience. Rachael has worked in energy roles within the BHP assets (Petroleum and Iron Ore), ERM’s Newgen Kwinana and Neerabup Power assets as well the largest WA gas retailer and independent power producer Alinta. She has a Bachelor of Business (Economics and Operations Management). |
Roxanne SmithExecutive General Manager, Corporate and Regulation |
Roxanne Smith is responsible for Legal and Company Secretary, the Regulatory and Economics functions, as well as Compliance and Assurance and Risk. Prior to joining AGIG in October 2019, she spent 20 years as a private practice lawyer advising clients in the infrastructure, utility and natural resources sectors, with a focus on regulation. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting). | |||
Tawake RakaiExecutive General Manager, Infrastructure Asset Management |
Strategic asset management for the gas transmission system including the midstream and storage as well as the emerging hydrogen production facilities. He leads the critical imperative of maintaining asset safety (the Process Safety programs of the transmission system) and integrity. Applying modern engineering practices, Tawake leads the design, construction, and the transitioning of these assets for operational readiness with Transmission Operations and Commercial. Tawake has extensive operations, maintenance, and project experience with more than 40 years in the gas industry. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from the University of Western Australia. |
Our Board
Directors | Other Directorships | |||
Peter TullochDirector since September 2014.Chairman of the Board (since October 2014), with more than 30 years' experience in the banking industry. |
• Chairman, SA Power Networks • Chairman, Victoria Power Networks Pty Ltd • Non-executive Director, CK Life Sciences Int’l (Holdings) Inc Mr Tulloch is a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers. |
HL Kam(BscE, MBA)Director since September 2014. |
• Group Managing Director, CK Infrastructure group • Deputy Managing Director, CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd • Deputy Managing Director, CK Asset Holdings Ltd • Victoria Power Networks Pty Ltd • SA Power Networks • President and Chief Executive Officer of CK Life Sciences Int'l. (Holdings) Inc. Mr Kam holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering and a Master's Degree in Business Administration. |
Andrew Hunter(MA, MDBA)Director since September 2014. |
• Victoria Power Networks Pty Ltd • UK Power Networks Ltd • Power Assets Holdings Ltd • SA Power Networks Ltd • Deputy Managing Director, CK Infrastructure group Over 30 years of experience in accounting and financial management. |
Dominic Chan(FCPA, FCCA)Director since July 2005. |
• Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer, CK Infrastructure group • Executive Director, Power Assets Holdings Ltd • HK Electric Investments Management Ltd • HK Electric Investments Ltd Certified Public Accountant with over 30 years' experience in financial management and accounting professions. |
Peter Lowe(B Com, MBA)Director since 2017. |
• United Energy • Multinet Gas Networks • Lochard Energy • Mayfield Childcare Mr Lowe is a Certified Public Accountant with over 30 years' financial management experience in corporate advisory firms and the brewing and utility sectors. |
Ivan Chan(BSc, LLB, MBA)Director since August 2007. |
• Chief Planning and Investment Officer of CK Infrastructure group and Chief Financial Officer of Power Assets Holdings Ltd
More than 25 years' experience in banking, investment, and finance. |
Lewis Owens(MSc, BE Hons, BA)Director since November 2014. |
• Chairman, SA Water Corporation • Chairman, Country Arts SA More than 30 years' experience in the Australian utilities sector. |
Des Petherick(FIPA)Director since June 2015. |
• Former Company Secretary of Australian Gas Networks Ltd (previously Envestra Ltd).
More than 30 years' experience in natural gas infrastructure. |
Work with us
AGIG employs over 400 people as well as managing our contractor organisations engaged to provide specialist services to the group.
AGIG is committed to creating a safe, rewarding, inclusive and challenging workplace for all employees because we know that attracting and retaining the best talent the industry has to offer is fundamental to ongoing success.
Interested in working with us? Current vacancies for AGIG are posted on our Job Board, Seek and via LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can contact us on Get In Touch.