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Our Essential Spring Cleaning Guide Part 2: Bedrooms & Bathrooms

Last time out, we eulogised spring as a wonderful time for renewal, then we took care of that pesky kitchen with helpful tips on how to clean everything from your oven and fridge to your chopping boards and cabinet doors.

Hopefully you’re now even more motivated to keep going on your quest to fully spring clean your house, inside and out. This time, we’re moving onto essential spring cleaning tips for your bedrooms and bathrooms, two rooms we spend a lot of time in.

This is the second of our three-part Spring Cleaning Guide. Read our sections on how to rejuvenate and revitalise your kitchen and other interior spots.


Bedroom spring cleaning list

Clean your microwave

For these bedroom spring cleaning tasks, you’ll want:

  • A couple of microfibre cloths
  • A bowl
  • Gloves
  • Some good tunes to keep you motivated, such as our carefully selected Spring Cleaning Playlist on Spotify.
  • A second pair of hands to help you flip your mattress
  • Empty spray bottle
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon


Do a general once over, then dust all surfaces

Start by doing a general tidy of your bedroom. Fold or hang or wash those clothes lying around. Sort out the mess on your bedside table and under your bed. Move anything that doesn’t belong in that room out of it.

Once it’s mostly tidy, use a damp cloth, preferably microfibre, to dust off any of those surfaces you may have neglected for a while. This includes the ceiling light fixtures, ceiling fan if you have one, the skirting boards, the bedside lamp, and picture frames.


Flip your mattress

Flipping your mattress is beneficial to both you and your mattress. By keeping the filling evenly distributed and evening out the pressure on the mattress, you get a comfier night’s sleep while also improving the lifespan of your mattress.

Not all mattresses are flip-able – some have in-built mattress toppers, others are specially designed for you and your body – but if yours is, remove all your bedding and any furniture close to your bed, lift and rotate your mattress 180 degrees so the head becomes the foot, then lift it onto its side and flip it over.


Clean jewellery

Since most people keep their jewellery in their bedroom, we’ve included this easily forgotten task here. Soap and water is a classic cleaning combo for a reason, and makes quick work of spots, stains, and general grime without causing damage.

To clean your jewellery, mix a few drops of liquid dish soap with a few cups of water. Mix together, then place it in the mixture for a few seconds. Remove, then use a clean cloth to wipe dry and buff out any spots. Let jewellery dry before putting it away.


Book in your regular gas heater check up

Clean your microwave

Gas heaters are truly wonderful inventions, especially on those cold wintry nights when cosiness and warmth are so highly sought after. After all, gas heating is an economical, effective heating option that provides instant heat where and when you need it.

Whether you have a gas heater in your bedroom or ducted gas heating throughout your home, the chances are you used your bedroom heating a fair bit during the colder months, so take this opportunity to book in a gas heater check up.

Gas heaters should be regularly serviced at least once every two years to operate smoothly and efficiently. This includes checking and testing all its components. A good service can help keep your bills down by making the system more efficient, extend its lifespan, keep you safe, and more.



Bathroom spring cleaning list

  • Sponges
  • Cloths
  • Commercial shower cleaner (or a homemade solution of 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar, 1/2 cup ammonia, and 3 quarts of hot water)
  • Spray bottle
  • White vinegar
  • Bleach
  • Powder cleaner (only if you have a porcelain tub)
  • Glass cleaner
  • Rubber gloves
  • Soft-bristled brush or old toothbrush

    Deep clean your shower

    Clean your microwave

    This task isn’t the most glamorous, but it doesn’t have to be nearly as painful or backbreaking as some make it out to be. In fact, with the right tools and sparkling results, you may even start to, dare we say, enjoy cleaning your shower before long.

    Start by donning those rubber gloves and emptying the shower area of all contents. Wet the walls with your showerhead or a wet sponge. If you have some mildew, use your commercial bleach spray (or a one part chlorine bleach to two parts water solution) and apply to affected areas using a sponge. Wait 10 minutes, then scrub with your soft brush or toothbrush. Once complete, rinse with hot water.

    Next, spray your shower cleaner (or homemade solution mentioned in the list) onto the walls, wait 10 minutes, then use a non-abrasive sponge to wipe down the walls. Dry with a towel to avoid water spots. If you have a bathtub, follow the directions of your powder cleaner for desired results.


    Remove that stubborn mildew and mould

    In the previous step, you hopefully removed any mildew and mould from your shower area, but given the winter climate, and if your bathroom isn’t that well ventilated, chances are some mould and mildew spots may have appeared on your walls and ceiling as well.

    Firstly, the main difference between mould and mildew is the colouring and texture. Mildew has a greyish white colour that can darken and a powdery texture, whereas mould is black and fuzzy. For mildew, mix one part white vinegar to two parts baking soda in your spray bottle. Spray, then let sit for a few hours. Use a damp cloth to scrub the mildew off and rinse the area with water.

    If you think you have mould, ensure your bathroom is as well ventilated as possible, as mould spores can cause wheezing, eye or skin irritation, and cold-like symptoms when inhaled. Mix four parts white vinegar to one part water. Generously spray this solution over the mould-affected areas, and use your brush to remove the mould.


    Consider switching to natural gas for your hot water

    Clean your microwave

    If you don’t currently use natural gas for your hot water, use this opportunity to see why so many Australians are increasingly turning to natural gas hot water systems because of its safety, affordability and better performance

    For example, continuous flow gas systems only heat water while the tap is in use. This makes them efficient and cost effective, and allows you to enjoy endless hot water, no matter how many family members, friends or flatmates you live with.

    If you don’t already use gas for your heating and hot water needs, make the switch to natural gas in your home now. Or learn more about AGN and natural gas over on our blog.

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