Contract information
The following section contains contractual information relevant only to natural gas customers in South Australia. If you are a natural gas customer in Queensland, you will need to make sure the Location in the top right-hand corner of your screen is set to 'QLD' in order to see information relevant to you.
This information is provided under the National Energy Customer Framework.
If you require information in languages other than English, please call the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) National on 131 450.
- Types of customer connection contracts
Australian Gas Networks has two types of customer connection contracts for persons to whom energy is sold for premises by a retailer or who propose to purchase energy from a retailer.
These are:
1.A Deemed Standard Connection Contract; and
2.A Negotiated Connection ContractThese contracts are about the services which cover connection of a customer's premises to the network owned by Australian Gas Networks, and they also cover the energy supplied to these premises.
A copy of Australian Gas Networks’ Deemed Standard Connection Contract can be obtained and downloaded here.
Negotiated Connection Contracts are prepared on a case-by-case basis to meet the reasonable requirements of the particular connection applicant.
A connection applicant who would like a copy of a Negotiated Connection Contract should apply for a new connection by completing an enquiry form here or call our Customer Service Team on 1300 001 001.
Australian Gas Networks is required to negotiate the terms of the Negotiated Connection Contract with the connection applicant, and based on the outcome of these negotiations, is required to make a negotiated connection offer to the connection applicant within 65 business days after the date of the application. The negotiated connection offer will include a copy of the proposed Negotiated Connection Contract.
- Types of new connection services
Australian Gas Networks has two types of customer connection contracts for persons to whom energy is sold for premises by a retailer or who propose to purchase energy from a retailer.
These are:
1.A Deemed Standard Connection Contract; and
2.A Negotiated Connection ContractFor more information on the Basic Connection Service, click here and for a copy of the standard terms and conditions which apply to Australian Gas Networks' Basic Connection Service, click here.
For more information on the Negotiated Connection Service, click here.
Customer rights and obligations
In relation to the provision of customer connections services, the rights and obligations of Australian Gas Networks and persons to whom gas is sold for premises, by a retailer, are the rights and obligations that are set out in the Deemed Standard Connection Contract or Negotiated Connection Contract and the National Energy Retail Law, National Energy Retail Regulations and the National Energy Retail Rules.
Your natural gas supply
Australian Gas Networks must, subject to and in accordance with the energy laws, provide customer connection services for the premises of a customer
(a) who requests those services; and
(b) whose premises are connected, or is seeking to have those premises connected to Australian Gas Networks’ network.
Customer connection services for premises means the services which cover connection of a customer’s premises to Australian Gas Networks’ distribution system and the energy supplied to the customer’s premises.
Rights of small customers
Residential customers and business customers who consume less than 1 terajoule of gas per annum are known as "small" customers and have certain rights, entitlements and obligations that are different from other retail customers. These are summarised here.
Charges for customer connection services
A customer who receives customer connection services under a Deemed Standard Connection Contract is not required to pay Australian Gas Networks charges for customer connection services. Australian Gas Networks' charges for customer connection services are included in the tariffs which are payable to Australian Gas Networks by the customer’s retailer.
In the case of new connection services, Australian Gas Networks does not charge for the basic connection service (unless Australian Gas Networks or its representatives are unable to gain safe and unhindered access to premises, so that a repeat visit becomes necessary, in which case Australian Gas Networks imposes a repeat visit fee).
For information on Australian Gas Networks' tariffs for South Australia, click here.
Where connection charges apply
Australian Gas Networks may charge for a new connection that is not a basic connection service e.g. where an extension of the gas main to the customer's premises is required.
Charges depend on several factors which include:
- how close the gas main is to the property
- where the gas meter is going to be located
- accessibility of the property
For more information, click here or alternatively click here to complete an enquiry form, or call our Customer Service Team on 1300 001 001.
Distributor service standards
There are various service standards imposed on Australian Gas Networks by South Australian energy laws in relation to services provided to customers. For more information on the service standards click here.
Guaranteed service level scheme
Some States have a Guaranteed Service Level Scheme under which a gas distributor is required to make payment to a customer where the distributor fails to meet a service standard. There is no Guaranteed Service Level scheme applying to Australian Gas Networks in South Australia.
Disconnection and reconnection timeframes
Subject to Australian Gas Networks satisfying the requirements in the relevant energy laws, Australian Gas Networks may disconnect a customer’s premises in various circumstances.
Following disconnection Australian Gas Networks must reconnect a customer’s premises, subject to the customer satisfying the requirements in the relevant energy laws.
For more information on Australian Gas Networks' obligations and the timeframes concerning reconnection click here.
South Australia
1800 665 565
1800 665 165
Energy and Water Ombudsman SA, GPO Box 2947, Adelaide SA 5001
1800 550 509
1800 500 549
Energy and Water Ombusman Victoria, Reply Paid 469, Melbourne VIC 8060
1800 662 837
(07) 3087 9477
Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland, PO Box 3640, South Brisbane QLD 4101
New South Wales
1800 246 545
1800 812 291
Energy and Water Ombudsman New South Wales, Reply Plaid K1343, Haymarket NSW 1239

Meter installation process
Once you have a gas service connection to your house you need to contact a natural gas retailer who will sell you the gas and arrange a new meter installation.*
The Gas Utility Retailers listed have the ability to arrange a meter installation in South Australia.
Once connected, you may choose any Gas Utility Retailer operating in South Australia. Click here to view the AER list of retailers.
*If you are a residential customer or business customer with a consumption level below 1 terajoule per annum, Origin Energy is obligated by law to make you an offer to provide retailer services. This is known as a “standing offer.” Other retailers in South Australia may offer you retailer services but are not obligated by law to do so.
Life support
If you or someone at your residence has a medical condition and relies on a continuous supply of gas to run medical equipment, we and your natural gas energy retailer need to know.
To register your premises as having life support equipment, you will need to provide written confirmation from a registered medical practitioner outlining the type of life support equipment that you or a person residing at your premises requires. A copy of our Medical Confirmation Form can be found here for your use. You can provide written confirmation directly to us or your retailer. Make sure you get in touch with your natural gas retailer to register for any available South Australian Government rebates.
For more Life Support information, please read our Life Support Fact Sheet and Life Support Frequently Asked Questions. Alternatively, if you have further questions about your life support registration, please call us on 1300 001 001, Monday to Friday between 8am-5pm AEST.