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AGIG continues to provide COVID- 19 Gas Network Relief

Multinet Gas Networks (MGN) and Australian Gas Networks (AGN), part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) are pleased to advise that we have continued to extend our gas network tariff relief support for a further 6 months to small energy retailers. This is following from our COVID-19 Gas Network Relief Package 1, which applied for the period from 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2020.

Our modified voluntarily Small Retailer Gas Network Relief Package 2 is effective from 1 July to 31 December 2020 and will apply for AGN & MGN networks across Victoria, New South Wales (NSW) and South Australia (SA). Over the next six months we are offering a deferral for payment of a portion of the small retailer network tariff invoices to provide cash flow assistance as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

AGIG have been working closely with the energy bodies and stakeholders in implementing this relief package.

AGIG’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ben Wilson, said it is "critical that Australia's energy supply chain provides support to small energy retailers to deliver network relief and to enable them to survive this crisis and emerge as part of the future post-virus economy and community".

"Our Relief Package 2 represents a pragmatic response to the ongoing challenges that smaller retailers are facing and to continue to support them over the short term" Mr Wilson said.

Eligible small energy retailers include GloBird Energy, Dodo Energy, Click Energy, Sumo Energy, Powershop, CovaU, 1st Energy and Weston Energy.

In addition, as part of the Australian Energy Regulator's Statement of Expectations we will waive disconnection, reconnection and daily supply charges for any small business that ceases operations, until at least 31 October 2020.

Through The Energy Charter, the energy industry has collectively developed the ‘We’ve got you’ communication to assist customers who are financially impacted by COVID-19. Anyone seeking assistance should contact their energy retailer to discuss payment and relief options. 


About AGIG

Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) formed in May 2017 with the coming together of three businesses – Australian Gas Networks (AGN), Multinet Gas Networks (MGN) and Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline (DBP). AGIG owns and operates one of Australia’s largest gas infrastructure businesses with operations across every mainland state and the Northern Territory supplying over 2 million customers.


Operations include 40,000km of gas distribution and transmission pipelines, 60 petajoules of gas storage capacity, gas processing facilities and remote power generation.

AGIG’s vision is to be the leading gas infrastructure business in Australia - by delivering for customers, being a good employer, and being sustainably cost efficient. efficient.



For further information contact


Andrew Staniford, Chief Customer Officer, AGIG, T (08) 8418 1125 M (0438) 897 174