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Significant household savings in Wagga Wagga when using natural gas to fuel appliances

A Wagga Wagga household can save as much as $860 a year simply by using natural gas instead of electricity to fuel hot water service systems, new figures reveal.

Australian Gas Networks – the country’s largest gas distribution business – has undertaken the cost comparisons to provide some clarity to consumers following price increases which came into force from 1 July 2017.

From 1 July 2017, retail electricity prices in Wagga Wagga increased by an average of 19 per cent, while retail prices for natural gas increased by eight per cent.

Comparing the costs associated with running a household hot water service, AGN’s new figures reveal:

  • For an average family already using natural gas for cooking or heating, a yearly saving of as much as $863.84 can be made by converting an existing electric hot water system to a natural gas appliance.
  • For a couple in the same situation, the saving is about $468.55 a year.
  • For an average family with no existing natural gas appliances, an annual saving of about $510 is achievable simply by swapping its existing electric hot water system for a natural gas system.
  • For a couple in the same situation, the saving is about $114.75 a year.

The savings become even greater when a range of available rebates/discounts are used when converting to natural gas.

Using natural gas also helps the environment.

“Never has there been a better time for families and businesses in Wagga Wagga to turn to natural gas to help reduce their household bills,” Australian Gas Networks Chief Operating Officer, Mr Andrew Staniford, said today.

“Being in the midst of the cold winter months, the argument to switch to natural gas for your household and/or business appliances has never been more compelling,” he said.

“The price gap between using natural gas and electricity for everyday household appliances is widening – making it easier for families to recognise exactly where they can take the pressure off their bills.

"Natural gas can also be used for outdoor kitchens, barbeques and patio heating."


Issued: 31 July 2017

Click here for a print friendly copy of this release. 

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