Have you been contacted about your recent experience with us?
Since 2018, we have been surveying our customers to better understand their experience with us when delivering our services. We use this important research to monitor our performance and inform the design of strategies and initiatives needed to ultimately improve the customer experience. We set ambitious improvement targets each year, with reporting provided to our Executive team and Board members monthly.
CSBA, an independent Australian based research company, conducts this research on our behalf. They are responsible for gathering the data and reporting it back to us. CSBA also benchmarks our performance against other network businesses in Australia who are also undertaking similar research in relation to the quality of their services. CSBA undertakes this research in accordance with the terms of their Privacy Collection Statement.
Surveys are conducted by telephone and SMS, and your participation is optional. You can opt-out of the program at any time.
As part of the survey, you can choose whether you would like your responses to be identifiable or not. If you choose to remain anonymous, any personal and identifying information will be removed from the data prior to analysis (and not shared with us). If you choose to remain identifiable, your information will only be used internally and for the purposes of improving how we deliver our services. We will not share any responses provided with any external organisations nor are responses used for the purposes of marketing.
If you have any questions about this research, please contact the team at CSBA via:
Email: agn_survey@csba.com.au
Phone (during business hours): +61 3 9605 4900
You can also directly contact us at AGN:
Email: customercare@agig.com.au
Phone: 1300 001 001