There are currently no supply outages on our South Australia network. To report an outage, or if you're unexpectedly without gas supply and want more information, please contact our Gas Supply Faults hotline on 1800 898 220.

Report a fault:  1800 898 220
Report a leak:  1800 GAS LEAK
General enquiries:  1300 001 001

5 Common Problem


This performance data reflects the annual disclosure of our sustainability performance at operations and joint ventures where Australian Gas Infrastructure Group is the majority owner and operator. Development projects have not been included within the data disclosed unless clearly specified. Any restatements of this data set will be noted in italics with an explanation for the restatement.

About the data: figures, rounding, and intensity based denominators

Currencies: All financial figures are quoted in AUD dollars unless otherwise noted.

Rounding: Some figures and percentages may not add up to the total figure or 100 percent due to rounding.

We welcome feedback on this data set, our annual ESG report or any other aspect of our ESG performance.


To download the data tables for ESG Report 2022, please click the link below:

2022 ESG Report Data Tables


Operational Data

Delivering profitable growth

Gas Delivered (TJ)

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
<10 TJ Total <10 TJ Total <10 TJ Total <10 TJ Total <10 TJ Total
WA - 453,622 - 375,507 - 380,122 - 373,379 - 370,268
VIC (AGN) 39,097 55,641 39,990 56,951 40,032 56,709 38,573 55,975 37,014 54,865
VIC (MGN) 43,682 54,558 45,089 56,123 43,772 54,577 44,555 56,100 44,928 56,922
SA 11,165 30,195 11,282 31,219 10,999 31,334 10,715 30,615 10,670 31,952
QLD 2,734 6,011 2,575 5,672 2,485 5,602 2,611 5,968 2,595 6,488
NSW 2,920 5,634 2,925 5,475 2,833 5,430 2,792 6,640 2,674 6,647
NT 64 3,301 60 928 54 1,338 66 1,625 64 2,083
Total 99,662 608,962 101,921 531,875 100,175 535,112 99,312 530,302 97,945 529,225


Gas Storage (PJ)

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Western Australia 60 60 60 57 42


Customer Numbers

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
WA 55 51 37 37 36
VIC (AGN) 736,349 725,260 712,063 697,609 682,170
VIC (MGN) 719,790 719,436 717,604 711,484 705,047
SA 474,627 469,451 463,983 458,020 451,718
QLD 110,128 108,966 107,517 105,878 104,098
NSW 62,991 61,968 60,885 59,942 59,087
NT 1,166 1,164 1,156 1,149 1,138
Total 2,105,106 2,086,296 2,063,245 2,034,119 2,003,294


Assets (km)

2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Replacement mains N/A N/A 156 194 171 182 5 17 11 10 N/A N/A 343 402
Total mains N/A N/A 22,110 21,664 8,348 8,295 3,234 3,194 2,119 2,019 39 39 35,850 35,211
Transmission pipelines 2,337* 2,337 501 501 480 480 314 314 84 84 601 601 4,317 4,317

* Unlopped pipe length, loop is an additional 1,252km for the DBNGP and 87km for the Wheatstone Ashburton West Pipeline



2022 2021
Number of unplanned interruptions affecting 5+ customers 33 45 N/A 26 34 N/A
Number of customers having 3+ interruptions within 12 months* 10 233 N/A 19 165 N/A
DBNGP system reliability N/A N/A 100% N/A N/A 100%
DBNGP - Compressor Station N/A N/A 95.5% N/A N/A 99.4%


Environmental Data

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

2022 2021
GHG – Scope 1 757,887 839,666
GHG – Scope 2 3,801 3,756
GHG – Total 761,688 843,422


2022 2021
Greenhouse gas emissions – Scope 1 (tCO2-e) 328,080 225,094 204,713 381,173 243,269 215,224
Greenhouse gas emissions – Scope 2 (tCO2-e) 601 1,519 1,681 724 1,191 1,841
Greenhouse gas emissions – Total (tCO2-e) 328,681 226,613 206,394 381,897 244,460 217,065

Greenhouse gas data is reported in line with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme. NGER Technical Guidelines have been developed by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy, based on Australian Financial Year reporting


Reportable Environmental Incidents

2022 2021
Total reportable environmental incidents 0 0

For this report, data is reported at an AGIG level, however responsibility of environmental compliance is held by the legal entities.


Waste Produced by Type (tonnes)

2022 2021
Hazardous waste 1,122 1,063
Non-hazardous waste 470 441
Total waste 1,592 1,504

Waste data is not collected at all AGIG sites. This data represents DBP sites and AGN & MGN offices only


Recycling (tonnes)

2022 2021
Recycling 59 17

Recycling has been a focus for our business in 2022, however no baseline is available for comparison purposes


Employment Data

Workforce by Employment Type

2022 2021
Full-time staff 96.8% 92.8% 91.5% 97.1% 92.1% 92.1%
Part-time staff* 3.2% 7.2% 8.5% 2.9% 7.9% 7.9%
Total number 93 251 71 69 240 76


Workforce by Gender

2022 2021
Male 55.6% 79.0% 61.5% 55.2% 79.6% 65.7%
Female 44.4% 21.0% 38.5% 44.8% 20.4% 34.3%
Undisclosed 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Total number 90 233 65 67 221 70

Statistics below are based on full-time staff only.

Workforce by Employment Category (percentage)

2022 2021
Managers* 8.9% 1.3% 1.5% 17.9% 10.0% 14.3%
Non-managers 91.1% 98.7% 98.5% 82.1% 90.0% 85.7%
Total number 90 233 65 67 221 70

* The decrease in 2022 Managers compared to 2021 relates to re-classification in 2022 to define Managers as Executive General Managers and Directors only


Workforce by Age Group (number)

2022 2021
< 19 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0%
20-29 3.3% 4.7% 7.7% 1.7% 4.9% 5.7%
30-39 21.1% 25.3% 24.6% 15.3% 23.1% 25.7%
40-49 27.8% 27.5% 20.0% 39.0% 34.0% 20.0%
50-59 32.2% 27.5% 33.8% 30.5% 24.9% 35.7%
> 60 15.6% 15% 13.8% 13.5% 12.7% 12.9%
Total number 90 233 65 67 221 70


Workforce Turnover Rate by Gender

2022 2021
Male 8% 18.5% 35% 21.7% 13.1% 4.4%
Female 7.5% 40.8% 12% 13.3% 22.2% 4.2%

Note: Gender turnover data shown in the above table should be read with the context of some business units having a smaller headcount. AGIG’s total gender turnover during 2022 was 17.9% for males and 18.4% for females with voluntary turnover for males at 12.7% and females 18.4%.


Workforce Turnover Rate by Age Group

2022 2021
< 19 0.0% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
20-29 0.0% 54.5% 80% 0.0% 45.5% 50.0%
30-39 10.5% 23.7% 31.3% 7.1% 23.5% 0.0%
40-49 4.0% 26.6% 15.4% 25.0% 6.7% 0%
50-59 13.8% 15.6% 18.2% 13.0% 9.1% 4.0%
> 60 0.0% 17.1% 22.2% 42.9% 21.4% 0.0%


Trained Full-time Employees by Gender

2022 2021
Male 55.6% 79.0% 69.2% 55.2% 74.8% 65.7%
Female 44.4% 21.0% 30.8% 44.8% 25.2% 34.3%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


Trained Full-time Employees by Employment Category

2022 2021
Managers 8.9% 1.3% 0.0% 17.9% 1.2% 14.3%
Non-managers 91.1% 98.7% 100.0% 82.1% 98.8% 85.7%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


Training Completed by Employees by Gender (hours)

2022 2021
Male 136 5,184 130 137 2,640 481
Female 141 679 83 111 772 251
Total 277 5,863 212 248 3,412 732


Training Completed by Employees by Employment Category (hours)

2022 2021
Managers 12 44 - 44 47 73
Non-managers 265 5,820 212 204 3,365 659
Total 277 5,864 212 248 3,412 732


Safety Data

Injury Statistics

2022 2021
Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) 3.1 6.7
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) 0.2 0.8
Total number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury 0 0


Safety Incident Statistics

2022 2021
Total number of Tier 1 and Tier 2 safety incidents 0 0
Total number of Tier 3 and Tier 4 safety incidents % 82% 83%
% of public leak reports responded in 2 hours 99% 99%
% of Leak Management Plan leak surveys compliance 100% 100%


Public Safety

2022 2021
% of public leak reports responded in 2 hours (1 hour MGN) Distribution 99% 99% N/A 99% 98.0% N/A
LMP Class 1 and Class 2 leak repair - % performance with LMP target timeframe Distribution 99% 99% N/A 100% 97% N/A



Community Partnership Program

2022 2021
Community Investment ($ thousands) 503 457
Volunteer Hours 359 76


Community and anti-corruption data

2022 2021
Legal Cases Relating to Corruption Practices 0 0


Supply Chain Data

Number of Tier 1 Suppliers by Location

2022 2021
Australia 1,631 1,464
Hong Kong 5 7
Mainland China 1 -
Asia (excl. Hong Kong and Mainland China) 3 2
United Kingdom 5 3
Europe 8 9
Canada 2 1
United States of America 17 13
New Zealand 1 4
Other Regions 2 3
Total 1,675 1,506


Responsible supply chain

Proportion of spending on local suppliers (percentage) 98%

Note: this is a new metric for 2022 reporting


Total Service Complaints

2022 2021
Total 1,023 1,278



2022 2021
Confirmed Incidents of corruption and actions taken 0 0
Percentage of employees that received training on anti-corruption/ethics and integrity 10 37
Whistle-blower reports 1 0
Whistle-blower reports involving bribery/corruption 1 0

* AGIG’s anti-corruption training is mandatory upon commencement, training is refreshed every three years

Cyber Security
Significant notifiable cyber security breaches 0 0


Global Reporting Initiative(GRI) Standards Index

AGIG has chosen to voluntarily begin alignment with the GRI Standards Index. At this stage, we have only partial alignment or are considering disclosure in the future.

Universal Standards    Disclosure Title  Reference to Disclosure 

General Disclosures

2-1 Organisation details

a) Legal Name Australian Gas Infrastructure Group Dampier Bunbury Pipeline, Multinet Gas Networks and Australian Gas Networks Page 3
b) Nature of ownership and legal form About Australian Gas Infrastructure Group Page 3 Our role and business page 6-9 AGIG Website
c) Location of headquarters Level 6, 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
d) Countries of operations

Our Business, page 8

AGIG Website
Australian Gas Infrastructure Group is owned by a various consortia of private sector entities listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This includes CK Asset Holdings Ltd (CKA), CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd (CKI), Power Assets Holdings Ltd (PAH) and CK Hutchinson Holdings Ltd (CKH), all part of the CK Group - a leading global investor in energy and infrastructure in the UK, Australia and other developed countries.

Entity reporting is outlined in the Data Tables, Appendices pages 02 to 03

2-2 Entities included in our sustainability reporting Australian Gas Infrastructure Group Dampier Bunbury Pipeline, Multinet Gas Networks and Australian Gas Networks pages 3
Location of headquarters Level 6, 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
2-3 Reporting details
a) Reporting period and frequency 2022, Annual, refer to the Governance section
b) Financial reporting period 2022, Annual, refer to the Governance section
c) Publication date of report 24 March 2023
d) Contact point for questions
2-4 Restatements of information AGIG has not made any restatement in the reporting period
2-5 External assurance AGIG’s 2022 ESG report has limited assurance performed. Details of the assurance performed and relationship between AGIG and the provider is outlined at page 20

2-6 Activities and workers

a) Sectors we are active

About AGIG (page 3)
Our Role (page 6)
Our Business (page 8)
AGIG Website

b) Describe AGIG’s value chain Sustainable Procurement Statement (
c) Report other relevant business relationships AGIG is the Manager of the Fortescue River Gas Pipeline Joint Venture with TEC Pilbara Pty Ltd
d) Describe changes (to above) since last reporting period There have been no changes to data reported in our 2021 ESG report

2-7 Employees

a) Total number of employees (by gender and region) Data Tables, Employment Data Appendices page 04-05
b) Number of employees by, permanent, temporary, non-guaranteed hours/casual, full-time employees and part-time employees Data Tables, Employment Data page 04. AGIG provides employee breakdown by type but not region. Region reporting is being considered for future disclosures.
c) Methodology and assumptions used to compile the data All employee types as at 31st December 2022 is outlined on in our Appendices on page 4 Total number of employees as at 31st December 2022
d) Report contextual information to understand data at a & b Data provided is based on all employees as at 31st December 2022.
e) Describe significant fluctuations in the number of employees during the reporting period and between reporting periods There are no significant fluctuations in the number of employees during the reporting period or between reporting periods. Metric being considered for future disclosure.
2-8 Workers who are not employees AGIG has contractors and sub-contractors that perform work on our distribution and transmission pipelines that are not employees.
Sub-category disclosures for 2-8 are not applicable.


2-9 Governance structure and composition
a) Describe AGIG’s governance structure, including committees of the highest governance body Refer to the Governance section pages 14-16
b) List the committees of the highest governance today Refer to the Governance section pages 14-16
c) Describe the composition of the highest governance body and it’s committees by: Refer to the Governance section pages 14-16
i. executive and non-executive members Metric being considered for future disclosure
ii. independence Metric being considered for future disclosure
iii. tenure of members on the governance body Metric being considered for future disclosure
iv. number of other significant positions and commitments held by each member, and the nature of the commitments; Metric being considered for future disclosure
v. gender; Metric being considered for future disclosure
vi. under-represented social groups Metric being considered for future disclosure
vii. competencies relevant to the impacts of the organisation; Metric being considered for future disclosure
viii. stakeholder representation Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-11 Chair of the highest governance body Data Tables, Governance page 14-16
2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts AGIG’s ESG Committee assists the Board in fulfilling oversight responsibilities and duties relating to developing, approving and updating the purpose, strategy and policy goals in relation to sustainability. For sub-disclosures, refer to the Governance info-graphic on page 14.
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts Risk and Compliance Committee, refer to Governance Section page 14-15
2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting ESG Committee, refer to Governance Section page 14
2-15 Conflicts of interest Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-16 Communication of critical concerns Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-19 Remuneration policies Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-20 Process to determine remuneration Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-21 Annual total compensation ratio Metric being considered for future disclosure

Strategy, policies and practices

2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-23 Policy commitments Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-24 Embedding policy commitments Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-26 Mechanism for seeking advice and raising concerns Metric being considered for future disclosure
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations Australian Gas Infrastructure Group commits to abiding by all applicable laws and regulations in the places we conduct our activities and operations. ESG Principles we subscribe to include those outlined in the vision, goals and principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the associations we are a member of, as listed in GRI 102-13. We also have a number of external legislative, regulatory and voluntary ESG frameworks we adhere to, as described on our website. AGIG has no significant instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations to report during this period.
2-28 Membership associations Australian Hydrogen Council
Australian Pipelines and Gas Association
Bioenergy Australia
Clean Energy Council
Energy Networks Association (ENA)
Energy Charter - #bettertogether
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre
2-30 Collective bargaining agreements AGIG requires that employees’ and contractor remuneration complies with statutory and regulatory requirements, and does not have any employees whose compensation is subject to Collective bargaining agreements.

Material Topics

3-1 Process to determine material topics Risk and Compliance Committee, refer to Governance Section page 14-16
3-2 List of material topics Metric being considered for future disclosure
3-3 Management of material topics Metric being considered for future disclosure


Industry Specific Standards GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021

Material Topics

11-1 GHG Emissions
Disclosure 3-3 Management of material topics
11-1-1 Describe actions taken to manage flaring and venting and the effectiveness of actions taken Partial disclosure - AGIG minimises the use of venting wherever possible by ensuring the lowest volume/pressure prior to venting. We also have our end of life valve replacement program that replaces older valves with no leak valves.
11-1-2 Energy consumption within the organisation We do not report against GRI 11-1-2 as information is currently unavailable.
11-1-3 Energy consumption outside of the organisation We do not report against GRI 11-1-3 as information is currently unavailable.
11-1-4 Energy Intensity We do not report against GRI 11-1-4 as information is currently unavailable.
11-1-5 Direct (Scope 1) GHG Emissions Partial disclosure - Data tables, Environmental Data page 3             
Detailed information on Scope 1 emissions is currently unavailable.
11-1-6 Energy Indirect (Scope 2) GHG Emissions We do not report against GRI 11-1-6 as information is currently unavailable.
11-1-7 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG Emissions We do not report against GRI 11-1-7 as information is currently unavailable.
11-1-8 GHG Emissions intensity We do not report against GRI 11-1-8 as information is currently unavailable.
11-1-9 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG Emissions We do not report against GRI 11-1-9 as information is currently unavailable.

11-2 Climate adaption, resilience, and transition

11-2-1 Management of material topics - Describe policies, commitments, and actions of the organisation to prevent or mitigate the impacts of the transition to a low-carbon economy on workers and local communities Report the level and function within the organisation that has been assigned responsibility for managing risks and opportunities due to climate change.
Describe the board’s oversight in managing risks and opportunities due to climate change.
Report whether responsibility to manage climate change-related impacts is linked to performance assessments or incentive mechanisms, including the remuneration policies for highest governance body members and senior executives.
Describe the climate change-related scenarios used to assess the resilience of the organisations strategy, including a 2c or lower scenario.
We not not report against GRI 11-2-1 as information is currently unavailable.
11-2-2 Financial Implications and other risk and opportunities due to climate changeReport the emissions potential for proven and probable reserves. Report the internal carbon-pricing and oil and gas pricing assumptions that have informed the identification of risks and opportunities due to climate change. Describe how climate change-related risks and opportunities affect or could affect the organisations operations or revenue, including:
• development of currently proven and probable reserves;
• potential write-offs and early closure of existing assets;
• oil and gas production volumes for the current reporting period and projected volumes for the next five years. Report the percentage of capital expenditure (CapEX) that is allocated to investments in:
• prospection, exploration, and development of new reserves;
• energy from renewable sources (by type of source);
• technologies to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and naturebased solutions to mitigate climate change.
• other research and development initiatives that can address the organisations risks related to climate change. Report net mass of CO2 in metric tons captured and removed from the atmosphere (CO2 stored less than GHG emitted in the process).
We do not report against GRI 11-2-2 as information is currently unavailable.
11-2-3 Reduction of GHG emissions
Report how the goals and targets for GHG emissions are set, specify whether they are informed by scientific consensus, and list any authoritative intergovernmental instruments or mandatory legislation the goals and targets are aligned with.
Report the Scopes (1, 2, 3) of GHG emissions, activities, and business relationships to which the goals and targets apply. Report the baseline for the goals and targets and the timeline for achieving them.
We do not report against GRI 11-2-3 as we do not yet have reduction target. We are setting interim Scope 1 and 2 targets by end of 2023.
11-3 Air emissions
11-3-1 Management of material topics
11-3-2 Disclosure of Nitrogen oxides (Nox), sulfar oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions We do not report against GRI 11-3-2 as we do not have complete information available. We plan to progress our disclosures in this area in the coming years.
11-3-3 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories
• Describe actions taken to improve product quality to reduce air emissions
We do not report against GRI 11-3-2 as we do not have complete information available. We plan to progress our disclosures in this area in the coming years.
11-4 Biodiversity
11-4-1 Management of material topics
• Describe policies and commitments to achieving no net loss or a net gain to biodiversity on operational sites; and whether these commitments apply to existing and future operations and to operations beyond areas of high biodiversity value.
• Report whether application of the mitigation hierarchy has informed actions to manage biodiversity-related impacts
We do not currently report against GRI 11-4 however we have
committed to reviewing our environmental footprint with a view
of setting biodiversity targets by 2025. Refer to Progress Against
our Targets, page 20-21.
11-4-2 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas. We do not currently report against GRI 11-4 however we have
committed to reviewing our environmental footprint with a view
of setting biodiversity targets by 2025. Refer to Progress Against
our Targets, page 20-21.
11-4-3 Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity
• Report significant impacts on biodiversity with reference to affected habitats and ecosystems.
We do not currently report against GRI 11-4 however we have
committed to reviewing our environmental footprint with a view
of setting biodiversity targets by 2025. Refer to Progress Against
our Targets, page 20-21.
11-4-4 Habitats protected or restored
• Describe how the application of the mitigation hierarchy, if applicable, has resulted in:
• areas protected through avoidance measures or offset measures;
• areas restored through on-site restoration measures or offset measures.
We do not currently report against GRI 11-4 however we have committed to reviewing our environmental footprint with a view of setting biodiversity targets by 2025. Refer to Progress Against our Targets, page 20-21.
11-4-5 Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations We do not currently report against GRI 11-4 however we have
committed to reviewing our environmental footprint with a view
of setting biodiversity targets by 2025. Refer to Progress Against
our Targets, page 20-21.

11-5 Waste

11-5-1 Management of material topics We do not currently report against GR 11-5 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-5-2 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts We do not currently report against GR 11-5 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-5-3 Management of significant waste-related impacts We do not currently report against GR 11-5 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-5-4 Waste generated When reporting the composition of the waste generated, include a breakdown of the following waste streams, if applicable:
• Drilling waste (mud and cuttings)
• Scale and sludges
• Tailings
We do not currently report against GR 11-5 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-6 Water and effluents We do not currently report against GR 11-5 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-6-1 Management of material topics We do not currently report against GR 11-6 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-6-2 Interactions with water as a shared resource We do not currently report against GR 11-6 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-6-3 Management of water discharge-related impacts We do not currently report against GR 11-6 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-6-4 Water withdrawal We do not currently report against GR 11-6 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-6-5 Water discharge
• Report volume in megaliters of produced water and process wastewater discharged.
• Report the concentration (mg/L) of hydrocarbons discharged in produced water and process wastewater.
We do not currently report against GR 11-6 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-6-6 Water consumption We do not currently report against GR 11-6 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-7 Closure and rehabilitation
11-7-1 Management of material topics We do not currently report against 11-7 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-7-2 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes
• Describe approach to engage workers in advance of significant operational changes
We do not currently report against 11-7 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-7-3 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs We do not currently report against 11-7 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-7-4 Additional sector disclosures
• have closure and rehabilition plans in place;
• have been closed;
• are in the process of being closed.
We do not currently report against 11-7 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-7-5 List the decommissioned structures left in place and describe the rationale for leaving them in place. We do not currently report against 11-7 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-7-6 Report the total monetary value of financial provisions for closure and rehabilition made by the organisation, including post-closure monitoring and aftercare for operational sites. We do not currently report against 11-7 as the topic is not material and information is not available.
11-8 Reporting on asset integrity and critical incident management
11-8-1 Management of material topics
11-8-2 Significant spills We do not report against GRI 11-8-2
11-8-3 Report the total number of Tier 1 and 2 process safety events, and a breakdown of this total by business activity Decent work and Economic Growth and Appendix Safety Data page 06
11-8-4 The following additional sector disclosures are for organisations with oil sands mining operations We do not report against GRI 11-8-4 as this is not applicable to our business

Occupational health and safety

11-9-1 Management of material topics
11-9-2 Occupational health and safety management system AGIG has an OHS Management System in place that covers the following elements,
• OHS risk and hazard assessments to identify what could cause harm in the workplace;
• Prioritisation and integration of action plans with quantified targets to address those risks;
• Integration of actions to prepare for and respond to emergency situations;
• Evaluation of progress in reducing/preventing health issues/risks against targets;
• Procedures to investigate work-related injuries, ill health, diseases and incidents;
• OHS training provided to employees and/or other relevant parties to raise awareness and reduce operational health and safety incidents Refer to AGIG’s website for our Health and Safety Policy OHS is an Australian legal requirement
11-9-3 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation We plan to progress our disclosures in this area in future years.
11-9-4 Occupational health services Refer to 11-9-2
11-9-5 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety Decent work and Economic Growth and Appendix Safety Data page 29-36 and Appendices page 6 AGIG’s Health and Safety Policy, supported by a set of Zero Harm Principles that target work activities where there is an inherent risk or injury.
11-9-6 Worker training on occupational health and safety Compliance with AGIG’s Zero Harm principles is a mandatory requirement for all employees and contractors AGIG’s Zero Harm Principles can be found here:
11-9-7 Promotion of worker health AGIG’s Health and Wellbeing program offers all employees access to our Employee Assistance Program, Flu Vaccinations, monthly events (via our Health and Wellbeing Calendar) to participate in events supporting wellbeing and inclusion) and health and skin checks.
11-9-8 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships HSE plans are developed, documented and integrated into the overall AGIG business planning process. HSE plan details the HSE Vision, Objectives, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), resources required and timeframes to drive continuous improvement initiatives. A variety of inputs are considered during HSE planning including: Executive directives, key stakeholder input, risk framework, incidents, legal requirements, HSE management system and beyond compliance opportunities.
11-9-9 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system Refer to 11-9-2
11-9-10 Work-related injuries Refer to Data Tables, Safety Data Page Appendices page 6
11-9-11 Work-related ill health Refer to 11-9-2

Employment Practices

11-10-1 Management of material topics
11-10-2 New employee hires and employee turnover AGIG does not yet report on number and rate of new employee hires during the reporting period. We will consider this metric for future disclosure.
11-10-3 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees Employee benefits are provided to all full-time (permanent and contract) and part-time employees as outlined in the Decent Work and Economic Growth, page 30-37
11-10-4 Parental Leave We plan to progress our disclosures in this area in future years
11-10-5 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes AGIG complies with Australian Law in relation to minimum notice period required to employees regarding operational changes.
11-10-6 Average hours of training per year per employee Refer to Data Tables, Employee Data Appendices page 4-5
11-10-7 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs AGIG offers a number of programs for Career development and recognition via our Employee Benefits program, including professional development, study leave and education assistance policy. At this stage we do not offer any transition assistance programs, this is an area we are considering for future reporting periods.
11-10-8 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria We do not report against GRI 11-10-8 and 11-10-9 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-10-9 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken We do not report against GRI 11-10-8 and 11-10-9 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.

Non-discrimination and equal opportunity

11-11-1 Management of material topics We do not report against GRI 11-10-8 and 11-10-9 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-11-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community We do not report against GR 11-11-2 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-11-3 Parental Leave Refer to GRI 11-10-4
11-11-4 Average hours of training per year per employee Refer to GRI 11-10-6
11-11-5 Diversity of governance bodies and employees We do not report against GRI 11-11-5 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-11-6 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration We do not report against GRI 11-11-6 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-11-7 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken We do not report against GRI 11-11-7 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.

Forced labor and modern slavery

11-12-1 Management of material topics We do not report against GRI 11-12-1 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-12-2 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor Refer to AGIG’s Modern Slavery Statement
11-12-3 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria We do not report against GRI 11-12-13 as information is currently unavailable.

Reporting on freedom of association and collective bargaining

11-13-1 Management of material topics We do not report against GRI 11-13 as information is currently unavailable.
11-13-2 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk We do not report against GRI 11-13 as information is currently unavailable.

Economic impacts

11-14-1 Management of material topics We do not report against GRI 11-14-1 to GRI 11-14-5 as information is currently unavailable.
11-14-2 Direct economic value generated and distributed We do not report against GRI 11-14-1 to GRI 11-14-5 as information is currently unavailable.
11-14-3 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community We do not report against GRI 11-14-1 to GRI 11-14-5 as information is currently unavailable.
11-14-4 Infrastructure investments and services supported We do not report against GRI 11-14-1 to GRI 11-14-5 as information is currently unavailable.
11-14-5 Significant indirect economic impacts We do not report against GRI 11-14-1 to GRI 11-14-5 as information is currently unavailable.
11-14-6 Proportion of spending on local suppliers Refer to Data Tables, Supply Chain Data Appendices page 7

Local communities

11-15-1 Management of material topics
Additional sector recommendations:
• Describe the approach to identifying stakeholders within local communities and to engage with them.
• List the vulnerable groups that the organisation has identified within the local communities.
• List any collective or individual rights that the organisation has identified that are of particular concern for local communities.
• Describe the approach to engaging with vulnerable groups, including:
• how it seeks to ensure meaningful engagement; and
• how it seeks to ensure safe and equitable gender participation
AGIG has partial alignment as detailed below. Refer to section Affordable and Clean Energy page 22-29 Further information on our Stakeholder Engagement activities can be found here ( Energy Charter (
11-15-2 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs AGIG has partial alignment as detailed below. Refer to section Affordable and Clean Energy page 22-29 Further information on our Stakeholder Engagement activities can be found here ( Energy Charter (
11-15-3 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities We do not report against GRI 11-15-3 as information is currently unavailable.
11-15-4 Additional sector disclosures: Report the number and type of grievances from local communities identified, including:
• percentage of grievances that were addressed and resolved;
• percentage of grievances that were resolved through remediation
We do not report against GRI 11-15-4 as information is currently unavailable.

Land and resource rights

11-16-1 Management of material topics Additional sector recommendations
• Describe the approach to engaging with affected vulnerable groups, including:
• how the organisation seeks to ensure engagement is meaningful;
• how the organisation seeks to ensure safe and equitable gender participation
We do not report against GRI 11-16-1 as information is currently unavailable.
11-16-2 Additional sector disclosures: List the locations of operations that caused or contributed to involuntary resettlement or where such resettlement is ongoing. For each location, describe how peoples’ livelihoods and human rights were affected and restored. We do not report against GRI 11-16-2 as information is currently unavailable.

11-17 Rights of indigenous peoples

11-17-1 Management of material topics Additional sector recommendations
• Describe the community development programes that are intended to enhance positive impacts for indigenous peoples, including the approach to providing employment, procurement, and training opportunities.
• Describe the approch of engaging with indigeous peoples, including:
• how the organisation seeks to ensure engagement is meaningful;
• how the organisation seeks to ensure indigenous women can participate safely and equitably.
We do no report against GRI 11-17-1 to 11-17-4 as information is currently unavailable.

AGIG is developing our “Reflect’ Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in 2023. As part of this process, we are reflecting on our engagement with indigenous communities and setting appropriate actions.
11-17-2 Incidents of violations involving the rights of indigenous peoples Additional sector recommendations
• Describe the identified incidents of violations involving the rights of indigenous peoples.
AGIG is developing our “Reflect” Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in 2023. As part of this process, we are reflecting on our engagement with indigenous communities and setting approproriate actions.
11-17-3 List the locations of operations where indigenous peoples are present or affected by activities of the organisation
11-17-4 Report if the organisation has been involved in a process of seeking free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) from indigenous peoples for any of the organisation’s activities, including, in each case:
• whether the process has been mutually accepted by the organisation and the affected indigenous peoples: whether an agreement has been reached, and if so, if the agreement is publicly available.

Conflict and security

11-18-1 Management of material topics Additional sector recommendations
• List the locations of operations in areas of conflict.
• Describe the approach to ensuring respect for human rights by public and private security providers.
We do not report against GRI 11-18-1 as information is currently unavailable.
11-18-2 Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures.

Anti-competitive behaviour

11-19-1 Management of material topics We do not report against GRI 11-19-1 and 11-19-2 as information is currently unavailable.
11-19-2 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices We do not report against GRI 11-19-1 and 11-19-2 as information is currently unavailable.

11-20 Anti-corruption

11-20-1 Management of material topics Additional sector recommendations
• Describe how potential impacts of corruption or risks of corruption are managed in the organisation’s supply chain
• Describe the whistleblowing and other mechanisms in place for individuals to raise concerns about corruption.
Refer to Governance section page 14-16
AGIG has a Fraud, Corruption, Misconduct Prevention and Whistleblowing Policy. We offer an independent whistle-blower service for staff to anonymously report any misconduct or unethical behaviour.
11-20-2 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Partial disclosure -
For the Executive Management Team and Senior Management Team, Procurement and Finance Teams Anti-corruption Training is mandatory. Training is refreshed every three years. We plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-20-3 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures Partial disclosure -
For the Executive Management Team and Senior Management Team, Procurement and Finance Teams Anti-corruption Training is mandatory. Training is refreshed every three years. We plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-20-4 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Refer to Data Tables, Communities and Human Rights Data Appendices page 6.
11-20-5 Additional sector disclosures: Describe the approach to contract transparency, including:
• whether contracts and licenses are made publicly and, if so, where they are published;
• if contracts or licenses are not publicly available, the reason for this and actions taken to make them public in the future.
We do not report against GRI 11-20-5 as information is currently unavailable.

11-21 Payments to governments

11-21-1 Management of material topics We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-21-2 Direct economic value generated and distributed We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-21-3 Financial assistance received from government We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-21-4 Approach to tax We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-21-5 Tax governance, control, and risk management We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-21-6 Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-21-7 Country-by-country reporting We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.
11-21-8 Additional sector disclosures (not relevant to AGIG) We do not report against GRI 11-21-1 to GRI 11-21-18 as information is currently unavailable, however we plan to progress our disclosures in this area in coming years.

11-22 Reporting on public policy

11-22-1 Management of material topics Additional sector recommendations
• Describe the organisation’s stance on significant issues that are the focus of its participation in public policy development and lobbying; and any differences between these positions and its stated policies, goals, or other public positions.
• Report whether the organisation is a member of, or contributes to, any representative associations or committees that participate in public policy development and lobbying, including:
• the nature of this contribution
• any differences between the organisation’s stated policies, goals, or other public positions on significant issues related to climate change, and the positions of the representative associations or committees.
We do not report against GRI 11-22-1 and GRI 11-22-2 as information is currently unavailable.
11-22-2 Political contributions We do not report against GRI 11-22-1 and GRI 11-22-2 as information is currently unavailable.


Task Force On Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Summary of AGIG’s approach and key plans in relation to climate change related governance, strategy, risk management and metrics and targets.

TCFD category Recommended Disclosures Current approach and 2022 actions Future actions and considerations
Governance Describe the board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities. Board and ESG committee oversees management of climate-related risks. The ESG Committee was formed in 2022 and is informed on climate-related matters through consultation with the Executive Management Team (EMT) and ESG Working Group on a regular basis. The ESG Committee meets at least three times annually to assist the Board’s oversight responsibilities including:
• AGIG’s climate related risks and opportunities, through AGIG’s Corporate Risk Management Framework
• Integrating ESG into AGIG’s strategy
• Development of ESG related objectives and policies.
• Ensuring that AGIG has appropriate ESG commitments in place, supported by adequate plans and resources to deliver against these ESG commitments.
Review our governance approach to climate-related risks and opportunities
Continue to build employee capability in relation to climate-related risk
Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate related risks and opportunities. The Boards approve policies and procedures implemented for the ongoing identification and management of risks.
During 2022, the EMT provided regular reports to the Risk and Compliance Committee showcasing performance against identified risks for AGIG.
Strategy Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organisation has identified over the short, medium, and long term. In 2022 we took our first steps towards full alignment with the TCFD recommendations. We reviewed our existing Strategic Risk Register (SRR) for overlaps with climate change related risks.
We have identified climate risks and opportunities over the short (2030), medium (2050) and long term (2070) for both our distribution and transmissions businesses.
A number of these risks and opportunities have been selected for future scenario analysis.
This analysis will assist us in evaluating the materiality of these risks and direct our strategic response to navigate the disruption of climate change.
We will undertake a Climate Risk and Opportunity Assessment to understand our transition and physical climate-related risks so that we can identify preventative and mitigating controls.
We will align with TCFD framework and financial disclosures by end of 2024.
We will undertake Climate-related scenario analysis by using a combination of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) models.
Describe the impact of climate related risks and opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning. We acknowledge that we are exposed to both the physical and transitional risks of climate change.
Being predominately underground, our infrastructure has inherent climate resilience. External influences, such as extreme temperatures, sea-level rise, bushfires or severe wind conditions, typically have a minimal impact on our assets.
Describe the resilience of the organisation’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario. For our distribution businesses, we are implementing AGIG’s Low Carbon Strategy by maintaining network reliability and taking meaningful steps towards decarbonising our network.
For our transmission businesses, we have committed to feasibility studies on blending hydrogen on the DBNGP.
AGIG’s Low Carbon Strategy underpins our target to transition our distribution networks to deliver 10% renewable gas by volume by 2030 and fully decarbonise by 2040, or no later than 2050.
Risk Describe the organisation’s processes for identifying and assessing climate related risks. We are continuing to evolve how we view climate change and understand that scenario analysis will provide us with the opportunity to assess the potential likelihood and magnitude of climate change related risks. We will use the results of the Climate Scenario analysis to inform responses for how best to adapte to and mitigate risks.
Describe the organisation’s processes for managing climate-related risks. A Risk Management Annual Programme is outlined in the Corporate Risk Management Framework which timetables the interactions between the ESG Committee and EMT.
Six monthly management reviews are conducted with EMT, an update of these reviews is provided to the Committee.
Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate related risks are integrated into the organisation’s overall risk management. The AGIG Corporate Risk Management Framework guides and standarises our risk management process.
Risk identification and assessment is undertaken by risk owners, with assistance from the Assurance and Risk team.
Metrics and Targets Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process. AGIG is committed to the decarbonisation of the energy sector and the reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2022, the Board approved a list of primary ESG targets, that are mapped to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) .
We have committed to full alignment with the recommendations of the TCFD by end of 2024. We will set Interim Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reductions targets by the end of 2023. We will review our environmental footprint with a view of setting targets by 2025.
Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks. AGIG’s Low Carbon Strategy outlines our commitment to achieving net zero Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050.
We have committed to setting interim Scope 1 and 2 emissions targets by end of 2023.
Describe the targets used by the organisation to manage climate related risks and opportunities and performance against targets. We report on Scope 1 and 2 emissions by business unit annually.
AGIG wide targets, and the low carbon strategy, are aligned to the Gas Vision 2050 


ESG 2022 Appendix
ESG 2022 Appendix
ESG 2022 Appendix