1800 898 220
There are currently no supply outages on our South Australia network. To report an outage, or if you're unexpectedly without gas supply and want more information, please contact our Gas Supply Faults hotline on 1800 898 220.
The 3 gas Vic distribution businesses (DBs) – AusNet services, Australian Gas Networks and Multinet Gas Networks have been working together (following on from our Site Readiness Guidelines) to improve the new gas connection process in Vic to make it simpler, clearer, consistent and more efficient for all our customers
• Apply for a new Gas Service Connection (SCR) 10 business days before the site is ready (based on the Site Readiness Guidelines)
• Note this is only applicable to single residential standard sites. Please note for further information for specific complex sites and technical requirements (e.g. Shippers, multi dwellings, commercial or industrial sites) please contact us.
• Once the SCR is received – we will plan to assess that the site is ready and meter location is compliant, then we will schedule to install the new gas service within 20 business days.
• This new process is to apply from the 1st May 2021 or as soon as practicable
• Please note that the if site is not ready or should the site not meet the requirements, a site re-evaluation will be required and works may need to be rescheduled
Find out if natural gas is available at your property using the street listing database on your distribution network’s website, or ask your retailer.
Choose your gas appliances so that we connect the right service for your needs based on your MJ load requirements.
Make sure your property is ready for connection and your preferred meter location is clearly marked. See Site Readiness guide.
*Apply for your service connection request with your preferred retailer no earlier than 10 business days prior to your site being ready. See Site Readiness Guide.
Your Distribution Network checks that the site is ready for connection and that the meter location is compliant.
If the site is ready and the meter is compliant, your Distribution Network installs the gas service line.
Your plumber installs the gas appliances and then lodges a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA).
Request the meter installation with your Retailer. You will need the CoC and Plumber’s License Number.
If the site is ready and the metered position is compliant, your Distribution Network installs the gas meter.
Your plumber makes sure your gas appliances are working and safe for use.