There are currently no supply outages on our South Australia network. To report an outage, or if you're unexpectedly without gas supply and want more information, please contact our Gas Supply Faults hotline on 1800 898 220.

Report a fault:  1800 898 220
Report a leak:  1800 GAS LEAK
General enquiries:  1300 001 001


2025 Appliance Efficiency Campaign Info & Promo Materials

Thank you for signing up to AGN's 2025 Appliance Efficiency Campaign - we appreciate your support!

On this page, you'll find various promo materials to help you share your involvement with our Campaign - you'll find web tiles that you can place on your social media pages (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) and your websites, as well as electronic copies of rebate and cashback flyers that you can share direct with your customers. Please scroll below and click on the links to download the materials you need.

We also have a select range of physical promo materials (e.g. A5 cashback flyers, A1 corflutes, A4 counter stands, pull-up banners), so if you'd like any of these sent to you or dropped off, please email us and let us know what you need.

We welcome you to get in touch as well if you can think of any other promo materials that you would like to see - whether it's something completely new that's not listed on this page, or if you'd like to see a variation of an asset that's already available.

If you have any questions (or experience issues with downloading any of our files), simply email us - or give our team a ring on 1300 001 001 (Option 7).

A series of colourful flyers showcasing the rebate and cashabck flyers that are available



Digital Rebate Flyers

If you are offering rebates to your customers as a point-of-sale discount, these flyers are perfect for you. Click on the flyer relevant to you - this will automatically download the flyer as a PDF on your computer (tip: check your 'Downloads' folder).


Cashback Rebate Flyers

Prefer to direct your customers to claim their rebates from us direct, through our cashback website? Easy. Below are the cashback flyers you can share with your customers. Click on the flyer relevant to you - this will automatically download the flyer as a PDF on your computer (tip: check your 'Downloads' folder for the file).


The first page covers what's available at a high-level, while the second page has the offer in more detail and also has instructions on how to claim via cashback.

Social Media Tiles

You can use these tiles to promote our various rebate offers. Click on the link to the tile you want to view, then right-click on the tile to 'Save As' to your computer (tip: check your 'Downloads' folder for the file). These tiles are best used for 'posts', on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. We recommend downloading both tiles per offer since Tile 2 provides an outline of key T&Cs. If you are looking for a consolidated graphic, you may want to consider our Social Media Banners or Animations instead.  


Social Media Banners

You can use these banners to promote our various rebate offers - they are also suitable for use on your websites. Click on the link to the banner you want to view, then right-click on the banner to 'Save As' to your computer (tip: check your 'Downloads' folder for the file).



You can use these animations to promote our various rebate offers - they are also suitable for use on your websites. Click on the link to the animation you want to view, then right-click on the animation (video) to 'Save As' to your computer (tip: check your 'Downloads' folder for the file).