There are currently no supply outages on our South Australia network. To report an outage, or if you're unexpectedly without gas supply and want more information, please contact our Gas Supply Faults hotline on 1800 898 220.

Report a fault:  1800 898 220
Report a leak:  1800 GAS LEAK
General enquiries:  1300 001 001

Register your details to enter the prize of a dinner for four, prepared by Michael Weldon, former Master Chef contestant at our 100% Hydrogen supplied home

Please join us for professionally prepared meal at our one of a kind 100% Hydrogen Home, "The HyHome" in Wollert, Melbourne, for yourself and three of your colleagues or individual stakeholders. The meal that Michael Weldon, former Master Chef Contestant, will create will be prepared on our cooktop that has been converted to use 100% Hydrogen. Let us show you how hydrogen, as a future alternative to natural gas, can be implemented into homes, along with Hydrogen fuelled hot water, heating and BBQ.


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4


Step 5

Terms and conditions:

  1. The promotion commences on 19/03/2024 at 9am and ends on 20/03/2024 at 3:30pm (Promotion Period).
  2. Entry is open to Australian residents aged over 18 years who complete the details in the Australian Gas Networks UDIA National Congress HyHome Dinner for Four Competition and submit it via online entry at the AGN UDIA Stand during the Promotion Period.
  3. The Prize is a complementary dinner for four at the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group “HyHome – Wollert”.
  4. The Prize will be drawn on Thursday 21/03/2024 at 10am. If the winner cannot be contacted within 24 hours, a redraw may occur at the office of AGN 181 William Street, Melbourne VIC 300, at 10am Friday 22/03/2024. The Prize is not redeemable as cash or any other form of benefit.
  5. The Promoter is Australian Gas Networks Limited, ABN 19 078 551 685 of Level 6, 400 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000. The Promoter may use the name and image of the winner on its website, social media pages etc., and the winner’s name will be published on AGN’s website following the draw on the next business day.
  6. Prize to be redeemed by July 2024.
  7. Own transport Required.